Planet Grep: Survey results

Total number of respondents: 53

1: How often do you read Planet Grep?
 when I feel like it3
 about once a week1
 about daily29
 almost constantly14
 you can switch that page off?6
2: Do you have a blog on planet grep?
3: If you have a blog on Planet Grep, how often do you write new content that appears there?
 almost never0 
 once in a few weeks21
 you mean I don't have to go on typing in my sleep?0 
4: For each of the following items, please describe how you feel about the numbers
 Technical/Geeky content
 there is none.0 
 definitely not enough4
 I'd like some more6
 pretty good, but a slight bit more wouldn't hurt14
 love it23
 too much!0 
 Non-technical content
 there is none.0 
 definitely not enough0 
 I'd like some more1
 pretty good, but a slight bit more wouldn't hurt6
 love it19
 too much!11
 Number of subscribers
 there is none.0 
 definitely not enough0 
 I'd like some more4
 pretty good, but a slight bit more wouldn't hurt8
 love it21
 too much!0 
 Number of new posts daily
 there is none.0 
 definitely not enough0 
 I'd like some more4
 pretty good, but a slight bit more wouldn't hurt12
 love it21
 too much!0 
 there is none.0 
 definitely not enough0 
 I'd like some more0 
 pretty good, but a slight bit more wouldn't hurt8
 love it36
 too much!0 
5: Of the following type of content, please describe how you feel on whether or not it's on topic on Planet Grep
 FLOSS development
 does not belong on planet grep0 
 okay if seen occasionally, but don't overdo it0 
 would be a shame if removed, but should not be the only thing10
 that's what planet grep is all about!43
 Development in general
 does not belong on planet grep0 
 okay if seen occasionally, but don't overdo it6
 would be a shame if removed, but should not be the only thing22
 that's what planet grep is all about!24
 Using FLOSS software
 does not belong on planet grep0 
 okay if seen occasionally, but don't overdo it1
 would be a shame if removed, but should not be the only thing14
 that's what planet grep is all about!37
 Non-FLOSS software
 does not belong on planet grep5
 okay if seen occasionally, but don't overdo it22
 would be a shame if removed, but should not be the only thing21
 that's what planet grep is all about!4
 Politics around FLOSS
 does not belong on planet grep0 
 okay if seen occasionally, but don't overdo it17
 would be a shame if removed, but should not be the only thing16
 that's what planet grep is all about!20
 Life in general (non-technical stuff, things about family, ...)
 does not belong on planet grep5
 okay if seen occasionally, but don't overdo it24
 would be a shame if removed, but should not be the only thing17
 that's what planet grep is all about!6
 commercial posts (advertisements, ...)
 does not belong on planet grep37
 okay if seen occasionally, but don't overdo it14
 would be a shame if removed, but should not be the only thing1
 that's what planet grep is all about!0 
6: It's often possible to select an RSS feed that will only show blog posts in a certain category, or that are tagged in a specific way. Do you feel people should use such a thing to ensure planet grep does not go off-topic too much or too often?
 no. if there's too much off-topic content, they should not be on planet in the first place.5
 no. there is no such thing as 'off-topic'.9
 only if the amount of off-topic content would be too high otherwise28
 yes, definitely! everyone should do so.11
7: Overall, how do you feel about Planet Grep?
 It sucks. I just stumbled upon this survey, but I don't ever read it.0 
 It can be interesting, occasionally, but it needs major work0 
 It's okay, though it could be improved in some areas.31
 Perfect! Don't change a thing!20