New Laptop!

It arrived yesterday at around 19:30, but I didn't get a decent operating system on the thing until late at night, so...

There are a few annoyances left, though.

  • I need to convince yaboot that I think booting from disk by default (as opposed to, booting from cdrom) is generally a good thing.
  • I need to convince Gnome that I do not ever want it to touch my keyboard. Ever. A keyboard configuration is the job of the X server — not of Gnome. As a result, my keyboard layout is completely fucked up; I'm not able to enter a few crucial symbols for a unix system (such as, a pipe symbol, a tilde, or an at symbol). Thank you gnome.
  • There's still a bunch of important software missing, but that's not really much of a problem.

In related news, the HP we ordered along with the laptop is a plug and play printer. Give it power, give it a drum and four toners, hook up a network card, and send it PostScript level 3. There, it's happy. If anyone is looking for a cheap, not too bad quality color laser printer, go for the HP color LaserJet 2550. We have the 2550n, which is a bit more expensive (200 euros more) because it also contains a JetDirect card; but if you don't need that, it shouldn't really matter. It isn't really fast, and it isn't a high-end printer either, but if 600x600dpi is enough, and you need a printer for SOHO use, this is what you're looking for. Really.

And no, I don't work for HP ;-)