Planet Grep: feed cleanup
I have just removed some feeds from Planet Grep of people whose content for the most part is non-technical in nature.
As the survey clearly shows, most of the readers of Planet Grep prefer it to be technical for the most part; and I tend to agree.
If I've missed some feeds that should be removed too, feel free to inform me of that fact.
Meanwhile, the people whom I've just removed and whose email address I have have been notified of that fact, and been told that if they provide me with a separate feed that contains only technical articles, they'll be welcome again. This is also true for those of you whose email address I do not have, however.
Here's for hoping that makes certain people happier...
ik ben een van die mensen die liever technische content ziet op planet.grep. Toch hoop ik dat dit geen voorbode is van een totaalverbod op niet-technische inhoud.
Ik lees graag de reisverslagen van Philip, de ergernissen van Floris, of de woordjes van Mark... soit ik hoop toch dat planet.greppers die met een ei zitten nu niet moeten zwijgen, dat vakantie of andere leuke fotos er nog okkasioneel doorkomen...