type1 fonts

Dear lazyweb,

I'm a complete font n00b. How does one install Type1 fonts as part of a Debian package in such a way that:

  • The package is policy-compliant
  • Ghostscript will find the fonts
  • The fonts really live in /usr/share/pmw/psfonts/

PMW, which I'm packaging for Debian, includes Type1 postscript fonts that it absolutely cannot live without; and while it's possible to create a .ps file from pmw that includes those fonts, by default it does not, so it's generally useful to put those fonts somewhere that ghostscript can find them. Only I know squat about how ghostscript finds fonts, and just adding a symlink /usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/pmw -> ../../../pmw/psfonts (as was suggested to me on IRC) does not seem to do the trick.




This is legal:

Tuning , cars   (9)

So is this:

Bicycle Wheel

But somehow this is not:

Rumor: Sony Blocks PS3 Jailbreak Devices
Via Firmware Update

Somebody please explain to Sony the basic concept of what a 'sale' is. And while you're at it, to politicians, too.


NBD in d-i


It only took, erm,

wouter@celtic:~/debian/debian-installer-wouter/partman-nbd/debian$ cat changelog 
partman-nbd (0.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * Initial release.

 -- Wouter Verhelst   Fri, 28 Dec 2007 11:45:43 +0100

just over three years, but I've finally gotten it to work. More or less.

That is to say, I have a VM currently running which is finishing up an installation. It hasn't completed yet, but it's gotten past the critical point now and I'm hopeful that a reboot test will be successful. If it is, I'll need to make sure that the updates that I've done on the live installer to massage it into running are committed to packages too, and then I'm all set.

Looks like you'll be able to install wheezy on a system without hard disk. How's that for 'Universal operating system'?
