Autobuilding Debian packages on salsa with Gitlab CI

Now that Debian has migrated away from alioth and towards a gitlab instance known as salsa, we get a pretty advanced Continuous Integration system for (almost) free. Having that, it might make sense to use that setup to autobuild and -test a package when committing something. I had a look at doing so for one of my packages, ola; the reason I chose that package is because it comes with an autopkgtest, so that makes testing it slightly easier (even if the autopkgtest is far from complete).

Gitlab CI is configured through a .gitlab-ci.yml file, which supports many options and may therefore be a bit complicated for first-time users. Since I've worked with it before, I understand how it works, so I thought it might be useful to show people how you can do things.

First, let's look at the .gitlab-ci.yml file which I wrote for the ola package:

  - build
  - autopkgtest
.build: &build
  - apt-get update
  - apt-get -y install devscripts adduser fakeroot sudo
  - mk-build-deps -t "apt-get -y -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes --no-install-recommends" -i -r
  - adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" builduser
  - chown -R builduser:builduser .
  - chown builduser:builduser ..
  stage: build
    - built
  - sudo -u builduser dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot
  - mkdir built
  - dcmd mv ../*ges built/
.test: &test
  - apt-get update
  - apt-get -y install autopkgtest
  stage: autopkgtest
  - autopkgtest built/*ges -- null
  <<: *build
  image: debian:testing
  <<: *build
  image: debian:sid
  <<: *test
  - build:testing
  image: debian:testing
  <<: *test
  - build:unstable
  image: debian:sid

That's a bit much. How does it work?

Let's look at every individual toplevel key in the .gitlab-ci.yml file:

  - build
  - autopkgtest

Gitlab CI has a "stages" feature. A stage can have multiple jobs, which will run in parallel, and gitlab CI won't proceed to the next stage unless and until all the jobs in the last stage have finished. Jobs from one stage can use files from a previous stage by way of the "artifacts" or "cache" features (which we'll get to later). However, in order to be able to use the stages feature, you have to create stages first. That's what we do here.

.build: &build
  - apt-get update
  - apt-get -y install devscripts autoconf automake adduser fakeroot sudo
  - mk-build-deps -t "apt-get -y -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes --no-install-recommends" -i -r
  - adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" builduser
  - chown -R builduser:builduser .
  - chown builduser:builduser ..
  stage: build
    - built
  - sudo -u builduser dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot
  - mkdir built
  - dcmd mv ../*ges built/

This tells gitlab CI what to do when building the ola package. The main bit is the script: key in this template: it essentially tells gitlab CI to run dpkg-buildpackage. However, before we can do so, we need to install all the build-dependencies and a few helper things, as well as create a non-root user (since ola refuses to be built as root). This we do in the before_script: key. Finally, once the packages have been built, we create a built directory, and use devscripts' dcmd to move the output of the dpkg-buildpackage command into the built directory.

Note that the name of this key starts with a dot. This signals to gitlab CI that it is a "hidden" job, which it should not start by default. Additionally, we create an anchor (the &build at the end of that line) that we can refer to later. This makes it a job template, not a job itself, that we can reuse if we want to.

The reason we split up the script to be run into three different scripts (before_script, script, and after_script) is simply so that gitlab can understand the difference between "something is wrong with this commit" and "we failed to even configure the build system". It's not strictly necessary, but I find it helpful.

Since we configured the built directory as the artifacts path, gitlab will do two things:

  • First, it will create a .zip file in gitlab, which allows you to download the packages from the gitlab webinterface (and inspect them if needs be). The length of time for which the artifacts are stored can be configured by way of the artifacts:expire_in key; if not set, it defaults to 30 days or whatever the salsa maintainers have configured (of which I'm not sure what it is)
  • Second, it will make the artifacts available in the same location on jobs in the next stage.

The first can be avoided by using the cache feature rather than the artifacts one, if preferred.

.test: &test
  - apt-get update
  - apt-get -y install autopkgtest
  stage: autopkgtest
  - autopkgtest built/*ges -- null

This is very similar to the build template that we had before, except that it sets up and runs autopkgtest rather than dpkg-buildpackage, and that it does so in the autopkgtest stage rather than the build one, but there's nothing new here.

  <<: *build
  image: debian:testing
  <<: *build
  image: debian:sid

These two use the build template that we defined before. This is done by way of the <<: *build line, which is YAML-ese to say "inject the other template here". In addition, we add extra configuration -- in this case, we simply state that we want to build inside the debian:testing docker image in the build:testing job, and inside the debian:sid docker image in the build:unstable job.

  <<: *test
  - build:testing
  image: debian:testing
  <<: *test
  - build:unstable
  image: debian:sid

This is almost the same as the build:testing and the build:unstable jobs, except that:

  • We instantiate the test template, not the build one;
  • We say that the test:testing job depends on the build:testing one. This does not cause the job to start before the end of the previous stage (that is not possible); instead, it tells gitlab that the artifacts created in the build:testing job should be copied into the test:testing working directory. Without this line, all artifacts from all jobs from the previous stage would be copied, which in this case would create file conflicts (since the files from the build:testing job have the same name as the ones from the build:unstable one).

It is also possible to run autopkgtest in the same image in which the build was done. However, the downside of doing that is that if one of your built packages lacks a dependency that is an indirect dependency of one of your build dependencies, you won't notice; by blowing away the docker container in which the package was built and running autopkgtest in a pristine container, we avoid this issue.

With that, you have a complete working example of how to do continuous integration for Debian packaging. To see it work in practice, you might want to look at the ola version

UPDATE (2018-09-16): dropped the autoreconf call, isn't needed (it was there because it didn't work from the first go, and I thought that might have been related, but that turned out to be a red herring, and I forgot to drop it)

Linus apologising

Someone pointed me towards this email, in which Linus apologizes for some of his more unhealthy behaviour.

The above is basically a long-winded way to get to the somewhat painful personal admission that hey, I need to change some of my behavior, and I want to apologize to the people that my personal behavior hurt and possibly drove away from kernel development entirely.

To me, this came somewhat as a surprise. I'm not really involved in Linux kernel development, and so the history of what led up to this email mostly passed unnoticed, at least for me; but that doesn't mean I cannot recognize how difficult this must have been to write for him.

As I know from experience, admitting that you have made a mistake is hard. Admitting that you have been making the same mistake over and over again is even harder. Doing so publically? Even more so, since you're placing yourself in a vulnerable position, one that the less honorably inclined will take advantage of if you're not careful.

There isn't much I can contribute to the whole process, but there is this: Thanks, Linus, for being willing to work on those things, which can only make the community healthier as a result. It takes courage to admit things like that, and that is only to be admired. Hopefully this will have the result we're hoping for, too; but that, only time can tell.
