Linux: a means of circumventing valuable copyrights and patents.
At least according to this clueless republican:
Like all the greatest American engineering, it's an example of innovation that makes a growing group of European and Chinese hackers jealous. They hate our lead in computing technology and will stop at nothing until they have control of all our computers.
Hah. Let me tell you, Shelley, I am not jealous of anything. The only thing I feel about people using Windows is pity; you are giving away your freedom in return for some Pride.
If you see a company using Linux, it may be that they have not paid for this software. Report them to the Business Software Alliance who have the legal authority to inspect any company's computers for illegal programs like Linux.
Rotfl. First, the BSA has the legal authority to do absolutely zilch. Second, using Linux is anything but illegal.
Get a life. No, really.
Update: While I was sleeping, I received no less
than 24 comments that the site is not real. I get the picture.
Get off my back.
Shelly the Republican is a troll.
That is all.
Wouter, ShellyTheRepublican is a spoof site, satirizing the opinions of Republicans. Notice that everything on the site, without exception, is completely stupid.
On the other hand, that's true of the real guys too, isn't it? The problem is that those guys are hard to satirize.
Just have a look on Section 4.4 of this page:
I guess the satire worked pretty will for you, didn't it?
Funny, Funny, Funny.
The site is surely not serious, in fact it is very funny if you have a look around.
cheers k
Are you really that dense as to not sense the sarcasm and humor? Get a life, have a laugh or two.
You really think they mentioned IBM on accident? Or that someone who doesn't really pay attention to linux would know the SCO connection?
Eh, I suppose its the political bias, see the word republican, and think "stupid", and can't see past that far enough to see odvious sarcasm...unless of course, you are pointing to a sarcastic humorous post by attempting the same, in which case, you can do better.
ShelleyTheRepublican is a parody site. It's satire. I think it's quite funny.
Maybe it is harder for non-Americans to understand the humor, though.
Take a look at some of the other entries.
I hope you realize that this site is (pretty obviously) a parody of republicans and not an actual republican who actually believes those thing. The authors of the site are taking a much more extreme, exaggerated, ignorant position than is really believable. Some rightwingers in the US are crazy and stupid, but they're not that crazy at stupid. At least not consistently and with a blog named "Shelly the Republican."
If you already knew this, I guess I'm the one who didn't get the joke.
You are aware that the entire site is a spoof/joke?
This has to be one of the funnier things i've read all week..
I think the cited weblog must be satire. No one can actually be this dumb.
Erm, dude, it's not real.
" is a satirical web site that should not be taken seriously. If you feel offended by the content or parts of the content you have to leave and you are not allowed to come back." from