Several people replied to my last blog post about a silly TV station scheduling ST: Enterprise at 8 AM, pointing me to MythTV. Well, point taken. However, to do that, you need a specific piece of hardware—one which I don't have. And a cable to my computer, which, I presume, isn't going to happen very soonishly.
The alternative would be to use the VCR to videotape it. Not as good a quality, but at least it should work, right?
Try again. I did try, but the VCR ate the fscking video tape.
Maybe I shouldn't be angry with Kanaal 2 and be angry with the fact that hardware will always let you down, but that's just too easy.
There's always vodcasting. At least you can find other shows that fit your schedule
Or, if you can tolerate downloading shows that you get on TV anyway, you could use the RSS feed to build a PVR of sorts
Check out this nice cross-platform podcast "tuner":