
So, Sun is in the process of making Solaris free software. Hopefully that'll they'll get rid of some of the extreme braindamages in Solaris, such as the fact that it requires you to pretty much test how many characters you can put in an environment variable (say, $PATH) if you want to do anything useful.

Oh well. I went and had a look. I planned on downloading the thing, but that apparently isn't possible yet; currently, all you can find on the OpenSolaris website is a bunch of blatter, the source to something called 'dtrace' (including a suspiciously high amount of praise from Sun execs about that thing) and a roadmap.

When they plan on making the kernel and libraries public, they're also planning on providing people with, amongst other things...

  • Community-support tools:
    • Mail lists, Forums, Community Blog aggregator

Heh. So you don't exist as a community today if you don't have a planet, apparently. Well, it's not as if I disagree. I guess.

Seriously now. Of course, OpenSolaris would make things such as 'Debian GNU/Solaris' possible, if there is interest. We still have some unused Ultra10s at the office...