Apache Content negotiation

There was an issue with my blog for a long while, where Apache seemed to prefer to serve application/xml+rss files over text/html ones to Firefox. This had a lot to do with the fact that Firefox requested XML files at the same priority as HTML files, since it, well, supports them. Mostly.

In itself, that's a good thing, of course. The only problem is that I don't want to see RSS when I ask for a URL that should return HTML.

A similar problem was going on with something Joey Schulze was having doing with .ics files, and Richard Atterrerreplied to that with the following gem:

   AddType text/calendar;qs=0.9 .ics
   This is not well documented, but it works!
   (At least I know it does with Apache 2.)

Which, to my surprise, works flawlessly. So, now my webserver no longer serves files RSS files, unless you explicitely ask for them. Whee!