Blog slightly fixed

I spent some time fixing some outstanding issues with my blog.

The LiveJournal import on my blog had the wrong timestamp. I had some old ruby script that I'd written two years ago when I still believed ruby would someday become my language of choice (it didn't) which converted the livejournal XML exports into something that blosxom would grok, but it didn't work anymore. Apparently ruby's XML library API changed slightly between then and now. Read /usr/share/doc/libxml-ruby/README, updated the script, ran it again, and it worked. So now the blog items are dated on the date they were actually written, rather than 2005-02-17.

Since a few weeks, I've been offering a myrss version of my blog feed, which contains a saner version of a link to the item (linking to the path that I wrote it in, rather than some date-based ugly stuff). Liferea choked on it, though, as did the feed validator. Turns out I managed to enter a few minor typos. Fixed those. Apparently the typos weren't of the magnitude that planet would choke on them, but still.

So now my blog is slightly improved. Isn't that great.

I still wonder why I have this blosxom-writing-php-scripts-with-home-grown-comment-system rather than, say, drupal, but that's for another day.

OTOH, drupal doesn't allow me to write a blog entry using a simple svn commit, with magic commit hooks fixing everything. Let's keep things as they are.