
It's been interesting to read Joey Hess' progress on developing ikiwiki, a wiki implementation that can, somehow, also be edited through doing a commit in a subversion repository; and apart from that, it has a number of other interesting features that would make my website much better.

Right now, my website has been written using a lot of NIHolism plus some small amount of blosxom for the blog part. It works, except that I'm getting less and less happy about the blosxom bits as time passes. I need a huge and ugly script in my post-commit hook to add stuff to my blog, and even then there is still a bug which I haven't yet had the motivation to fix. The rest of the site is less ugly, but then the way it's written isn't very flexible. I am happy about the way the comments have been implemented (some PHP code plus a postgres database backend), but if I can do something similar with ikiwiki (every comment is moderated, nothing shown by default), I'll be just as happy.

So, I guess I'll be looking at ikiwiki a bit closer during the next few days and/or weeks, and see whether it's going to be easy and/or feasible to migrate my blosxom stuff and my other articles to ikiwiki. Would be cool.