Dear lazyweb,

Following my disagreement with sony, I managed to convince my brother that swapping my PS3 for his is a good idea, so now I have a PS3 running Debian, and the fun can start.

Of course the reason why I wanted this machine in the first place was to hack for it, so that's what I'm trying to do now. If only a split-brain processor was something that automake would understand...

How do I make automake understand that it needs to do this?

spu-gcc -o foo-spu foo-spu.c
embedspu foo_spu foo-spu foo-spu.o
gcc -c -o foo-ppu.o foo-ppu.c
gcc -o foo foo-ppu.o foo-spu.o

I tried a like this:

bin_PROGRAMS = foo
foo_SOURCES = foo-ppu.c foo-spu.c
%-spu.obj: %-spu.c
	$(SPUGCC) $(SPUCCFLAGS) -o $@ $^
%-spu.o: %-spu.obj
	embedspu $(subst .,_,$<) $^ $@

... but that doesn't work, since automake inserts a more specific foo-spu.o target that uses $(CC). It only works if I then manually run 'make foo-spu.obj', before running 'make foo'. Obviously we don't want that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Update: understood why some bits didn't work, and clarified here what the real problem was.