Re: Akademy
Kris blogs about akademy being in Sint-Katelijne-Waver—which, since I moved to Mechelen, is my backyard, really—and wonders why nobody in the Belgian FLOSS community talked about it.
It's not that I didn't know; Sune Vuorela, one of our Debian KDE developers, mentioned it to me a few months ago. He knew about our office in Mechelen, since he slept there at some FOSDEM a few years back. Of course, my first reaction was "oh, you'll pay me a visit then, right?", though I quickly realized "hang on, won't I be in Argentina then?"
Turns out that's was the case. So I didn't bother blogging; perhaps I should have.
Thing is, I've always felt like the Belgian FLOSS community is somewhat disjunct. It shouldn't be; we have a bunch of healthy and working community communication things, we have timely dinner meetings and drink meetings; and we even have a big important international developers meeting in the heart of our country. Even with that, I feel that more could be done. For example, I would probably like more unorganized social gatherings (say, more "lets-have-a-beer-now" type of meetings), and other things.
Is this just me? I dunno.
Some Belgian KDE people talked/blogged about it, but unfortunately their blogs aren't shown in Planet Grep. e.g. Planet KDE mentions Bart Cerneels (which got the crazy idea to organize this years KDE conference in Belgium). But obviously Planet KDE readers know about this since September last year.
It's not that there is no KDE community in Belgium, but they are not that vocal about it.