Band of Brothers

Roel, my brother, bought the "Band of Brothers" DVD set yesterday. I've been watching it since I got home after the Sarge Release Party last night. Yes, since then – although I of course did catch some sleep in between.

For some reason, I seem to like watching war movies and war series. Not the Rambo-style heroic crap that has no touch whatsoever with reality; only those stories and movies that go out of their way to try and create a realistic depiction of what a war is like. Of course, it can't be total reality – I'm still in my sofa, and I'm still not at risk of losing my life – but still. I enjoy things like Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, and Enemy at the Gates (although that latter one is a bit over the top at times). And, yes—Band of Brothers.

I couldn't bear to watch them all in one go, however. I've done about half of them right now, and will postpone the rest of them for a later occasion. I'm sure such an occasion will be there soon.