FOSDEM 2009: Debian talk schedule almost ready

Lessons learned: using the phrase third, final, and slightly desperate is an excellent way to motivate people into reacting to your Call for Talks. I've even had to reject some people now, unfortunately.

Maybe next year, I'll use that phrase in my first call for talks.

Then again, maybe not.

Anyway, of course that does mean that there are no slots available anymore. If you wanted to hold a talk in the Debian devroom, you've had plenty of opportunity and will now have to wait until next year.

There are still some minor loose ends that need to be filled in (of course there are always people who will wait until the very last moment to send mails they need to send... including me), but once that's done, I'll announce the schedule on the -events-eu mailinglist, and probably here too. And if you're worried that the word 'desperate' perhaps got us some boring talks in the end, don't be; the talks that are on the schedule are, I hope, all very interesting. Watch this space!

So, things left to do, in no particular order:

  • Do a schedule for talk announcers. There's enough volunteers now, I only need to assign slots.
  • Come up with something cool for the booth. There's going to be T-shirts, as always, but more things are always welcome.
  • Booth volunteers. Since I haven't been at the booth much during these past few FOSDEMs, and since two years ago it turned out that my 'great idea' about organising that wasn't such a great idea after all, I did the right thing and decided to delegate organising the volunteers to someone else. That someone else is Nattie; so if you want to help out at the booth, be sure to contact her.

That's it for now, I guess. Back to your regularly-scheduled flamewar.