LOAD is over...

...and I think it went well. As someone who does some sysadmin-for-hire work, it does fit me quite well. I did my "Debian Secrets" talk again, which had moderate success: some people had already seen it at FOSDEM--which is normal, considering how the room was crowded back then--so they missed it this time around. Those who had seen it seemed to be fairly interested in what I had to say, so that's good.

Of course, while there, it made sense to pick up a few other talks, which I did; and I learned some interesting things in the process. I mostly liked the GOsa² one, but there were some other interesting ones, too.

Had I not been in Deurne for the concert of the choir on Saturday evening, I would even have won a book. But apparently the rules said that you couldn't win books if you weren't there...

All in all, I think it was a rather successful event; and if there's a repeat next year, I'll certainly attend again.