films=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM films;
(1 row)

I made a little database the other day, with just one table, to keep track of the DVD's I own. This is just the movies; I also have a bucnh of TV-series on DVD, but I didn't include those. Yes, I guess you could say I'm a movie buff.

Two days ago that output was 80. Yesterday, I bought a box with three of Sergio Leone's movies: 'For a few dollars more', 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly', and 'A Fistful of Dynamite'. These go nicely together with 'Once upon a time in the West' that I also have, and which is one of my favourite movies of all time.

Anyway, I watched 'For a few dollars more' and 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly' yesterday. 'For a few dollars more' is Leone's second movie, and while it's not a bad movie, it's also not as wonderful as 'Once upon a time in the West' is, in my opinion. I guess this has everything to do with Leone not being as experienced yet at that point in time; 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly' (TGTBATU), which was his next project, shows a lot of growth, and is much more enjoyable.

Of course I already knew about TGTBATU, and had, if not the whole movie, at least seen fragments of it. The mexican standoff at the end is a classic, the buildup of tension throughout the movie is wonderful, and the acting is great. Not much more to say about that, really.

I don't know what I dislike about 'for a few dollars more'; it's not so bad that I don't want to see it again, but otoh I felt slightly disappointed when it was over. There were some parts where I thought the music could've been better, but whether a movie is good doesn't depend solely on the score...