Yesterday evening, there was a movie on vt4 called Screamers. Pretty nice movie, that. Some science fiction in which man-made self-replicating AI weapons get out of control into a Frankenstein-esque apocalypse. It was made on a tight budget (which shows at times), but was overall quite good. Sometimes funny, but not silly. Sometimes having a romantic moment, but not so much that it gets meek. Sometimes scary, but not so much that you can't bear it (I once literally zapped away from looking at Sigourney Weaver hopping around spaceships in Alien because I was getting too nervous at what I knew would eventually happen—even before anything did, in fact, happen).
Most of all, the movie has a story to tell, and it's one that makes one think about AI: do we want it, or should we be afraid of what we might unleash? There's no answer, and there doesn't need to be one—but it's still a good question.