Nothing Else Matters
The office is located not too far from a church (dutch) which contains a fully-functional carillon. For one thing, this means that during day hours, once every fifteen minutes the bells play a little bit of music; for another, it also means that once every so often, someone sits behind the carillon's keyboard, and plays some live music. This is often done in the afternoon between 14:00 and 15:00 on weekdays, when I'm at work. I've grown to like this.
Usually the music is classic carillon music; but quite often they add in something unexpected. Today, for example, I was surprised to hear a carillon version of Nothing Else Matters, which sounded surprisingly nice.
I've been thinking off and on to place a microphone on the roof of the office, so that I could stream the carillon concerts to the Interwebz. It hasn't happened yet, mainly because it would require me to get organized a bit more than I currently am, but perhaps I might actually go through with it at some undeterminate point in the future... oh well.