A trainride at dusk

Dusk is getting pretty early this time of the year; a picture taken at 15:39 already has a low sun, with the sky getting kinda red around 16:28. Oh well.

Two days ago, I had forgotten my laptop's battery charger at home. So when it was empty, I didn't stay at the office; instead, I took the train home. At that specific time. I did have my camera with me, though, and taking pictures on the train is fun. It's not easy to do well; most of the pictures taken on the train are bad, but there are some exceptions.

Mechelen train station at dusk

Before I left, there was a nice light from the sun playing on the station platform. It took me a few attempts to get the exposure right (the first few were simply too dark), but this one has nice colors.

Belgiëlei in Antwerp, Belgium

While the train was waiting in Antwerp Central station, I was playing with the camera's settings a bit; amongst others, I had totally miscalibrated the white balance setting. When it left again, I forgot to set the white balance back to what it was supposed to be, so the next few pictures were blue and ugly. Except this one—that is, it's blue, but not ugly.

The view
near the end of our street at dusk

When arriving home, I was greeted by this magnificent sky. I love this picture.

I did take some more pictures on the train; but like I said, it's pretty hard to do that well; and while I didn't throw all of them away, I don't think most of them were well suited to be put online.

click on any of the picture thumbnails to get larger versions.