DebConf 12 is over 
As I write this, DebConf12 has actually been over for more than a week.
Usually during DebConf, I'm a more proficient blogger than during other times of the year, since I'm not doing as much work that I have to remain quiet about at that time, which simply means I have more to blog about. Unfortunately, however, this year the server on which this blog runs managed to become unavailable on the second day of DebCamp, an issue that I could only fix once I was back in Belgium, which meant I haven't been able to blog as much as I would've wanted to.
Anyway, all I can say is that both DebConf and DebCamp have been a huge success for me again, this year. I'd started the second rewrite of ipcfg a few weeks before DebCamp, and spent most of DebCamp whipping the basic framework into shape. It's nowhere near ready yet, but I'm confident it'll get further this time than it did before.
During DebConf, I was also responsible for doing the group photo. I'd done that (together with Andrew McMillan) during DebConf8 before (if you look closely, you'll see me pressing the remote which actually triggers that picture), and I still like that picture. This time around, we didn't have a beach nearby (at least not as nearby as during DebConf8), so we had to do things slightly differently. Rather than doing one large picture, I took several pictures and used Hugin to stitch them together.
Unfortunately however, some things did go wrong with the group photo. For starters, the weather wasn't very helpful, in that I noticed it was about to rain. As such, the main bunch of pictures were taken slightly before the announced time of 14:30, which meant that some people had missed it. To make matters worse, I had rushed to the group and handed the camera to someone else, so that I could gimp myself onto the picture too; but that meant that some people who were arriving as these pictures were being taken thought they were on the picture, when they really weren't. I've fixed most of these by just gimping them into the picture as well, but I might've missed some of them. If you're one of them, talk to me! Preferably now.
If you're not one of them (or even if you are), hold off on doing things like printing it in large format or some such. I'll re-upload improved versions onto the same location once they're ready.