I've been bombarded to organize the Debian presence on FOSDEM (well, bombarded... I stepped forward, and Martin 'Joey' Schultze put my name on the events page). So, I've sent out a CFP for Debian speakers at our DevRoom, and have received the first few offers of hardware and other stuff. Nobody offered to talk yet, but I guess it's a bit early for that. In the mean time, unfortunately, arrakis decided to break down during the last week. Two of its disks died, both of which made up the RAID-1 set that contained buildd's chroot. I'm updating a second chroot right now, one which was available for manual builds up until now but which we'll be using for buildd from now on, I guess. It contained a lot of bloat; removing 122 packages on an m68k box is painful. Luckily, at least this one is pretty fast, compared to my own :-) Now. Let's see what we can do about the NBD bug we discovered yesterday...