
<infinity> (Though I did notice you came close to losing your infamous cool on -devel recently...
	I had to re-check the sig)

I didn't even know I had an "infamous cool". Cool.

When infinity first said me the above, I didn't realize what he had said; only after sleeping over it, I felt it'd actually been the first time someone had called me "infamous". Guess I'm getting noticed :-)

In other news, my laptop has been resurrected. More or less. I had opened it up to check on the monitor, and afterwards it started to hang in all horrible kind of ways. We tightened some screws now, and it seems to work correctly again.

The monitor still isn't finished, but I'll leave it as it is this time. At least I've found a hot-spot on the cover; when it goes all white again, I just have to hit it right there; it'll come back.

I can live with that.