
OK, so after email spamming, IRC spamming, and referral spam, we now also have LiveJournal comment spam. Someone actually created a LiveJournal account for the sole purpose of creating comments with spam content.

Luckily, the LiveJournal abuse team has been very responsive to my request of disabling this account, doing so only minutes after I sent it in (kudos!), but it makes me wonder... What the hell makes people think I would be interested in

  • Generic \/|agra
  • 100% free st0ries (with $$$ subscription option to actually read those stories, so that one might wonder what 100% means)
  • P3nis enlargmentts
  • 0nline Prescripti0n D1scounts
  • ... and whatnot?

I mean, how sick do you have to be to mail this shit out, and expect people to be interested? What the hell is going on with the world?