dead hardware

My laptop's hard disk has been sent to the repair firm today. Hoping they'll fix it and not just replace it; not because there's anything critically important on that disk, but because I'd hate having to reinstall this laptop from scratch.

I say "this" laptop, because even if it doesn't have a hard disk currently, I'm still working on it. I'm writing this entry on my laptop, which is booted using knoppix. Hurray for Free Software!

Related, my father's been unlucky too. He offered to take his scooter and bring the hard disk to the repair firm, which is one and a half hour away from where we live; that would be cheaper than shipping it, and would most likely be faster, too. Unfortunately for him, his scooter broke down when he was about halfway, so we had to send the hard disk anyway -- and his scooter is out, again.