Speaking of "getting what you ask for"...

I feel compelled to comment on the Dutroux case, which is going on in Arlon at the moment (see, e.g., the BBC website for English-languaged coverage of the case). It was said on the news today that Laetitia Delhez, one of only two survivors of Dutroux' crimes and who is due to testify at the trial today, announced she will refuse to testify under oath. The reason? The text you have to say when doing your oath includes the sentence "I swear I will speak without hate and without fear", words she could not speak in front of Dutroux. While I can understand this, and in fact sympathise with it, it is not how the system works; a testimony which is not done under oath is, in theory, less valuable, so it could -again, in theory- give Dutroux better chances. Which, I assume, is the last thing Ms. Delhez would want. Then again, it's highly unlikely that Dutroux would walk out on his crimes; it's more likely that the jury will feel sympathy for Ms. Delhez, and that her action will in fact make her testimony stronger.

The other surviving victim, Sabine Dardenne, who testified yesterday, gave an interview about her ordeals and the case in general, which was broadcasted yesterday evening. Having seen it, I can only say she's a remarkably strong young woman. Although the trauma of having been abducted, manipulated, and abused over a period of 81 days is probably more than anyone not so unlucky to have experienced it can imagine, and will, in fact, take a lot of effort to overcome, she seems to have done this. What's more, she has done so without professional help. That's incredible, and I can only have respect for her personality and her intelligence to grow up like this after such an incredibly horrible experience.