They made it!


I finally have a fully functional laptop again. It only took, uh, three months or so. Isn't that cool?

Although some parts are still missing. I sent the hard disk frame back together with the hard disk, and of course the fujitsu guys didn't send it back to me at first. After calling, they did now, but of course they forgot the screws... hey, what did you think? It's a large corporation ;-)

Oh well. I pondered calling them to request they send the screws to me, too, but didn't. Those screws aren't that crucial, and if I have to wait yet another month, I'll get crazy. The disk is in the laptop, with a few screws less, and I'll go by a computer shop somewhere this week to fetch some extra screws. Surely they'll have some.

In any case, I'm happy I got rid of knoppix. Don't get me wrong, knoppix is a fine system; but the fact that you lose your settings when you power down, and that I didn't have any more storage than just a RAM disk... well... it hurts.