Want... to... yell... at... someone...

Why don't people answer the phone when you try to call them all day?

Why do people ask me to print out their 57 page thesis? Seven times?

Why do toners run out halfway past the second part?

Why do people insist on using non-free software? Which doesn't even speak LPR, and requires me to install even more non-free software that does not know what fork() is, and insists on sending jobs to printservers one at a time (meaning, I can't use our two printers in parallel, since the bloody LPR client will not send the printjob for the second printer before it completed the one for the first)?

Why does my CD player refuse to take my Rage Against The Machine CD, so that I'm forced to play something else?

Then, after all that, when I want to cool off, I get this:

wouter@rock:~$ logjam 
logjam: error while loading shared libraries: libcurl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

GHAAAH! Murphy, I hate you!

In short, I've had a lousy day. Don't ask me anything, and don't send me any bugreports, at least not if you'd like to keep your neck for a while.