Ancient unices

The MVME came with two hard disks, one of which featured Motorola SysV/68:

# uname -a                                                                      
mvme1 mvme1 R3V8 980209 M68040                                                  

config.guess doesn't recognize it; it knows about R3V3 up to R3V7, but doesn't seem to have heard about R3V8. I sent in a patch the other day that will just output the same system triplet as for R3V5, R3V6, and R3V7; apart from that, people should be happy.

It's kind of a beast, though.

# touch foo-bar-baz-bar-foo-bar-baz
# ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--   1 root     sys            0 Jun  8 15:19 foo-bar-baz-ba

RRrrright. Let's reboot it to Linux.

# reboot                                                                        
reboot: not found
# /sbin/reboot
/sbin/reboot: not found
# man shutdown
# shutdown -i6
shutdown:  You must be in the / directory to run /etc/shutdown.

I think I know why I prefer free unices over commercial ones.