tasting cookies

While walking on the Meir (a major shopping street in Antwerp) today...

"Excuse me, mind if I ask you a few questions?"

Turns out she wants me to answer a few questions about cookies. "Do you ever eat cookies?" Of course I do. "What type of cookies?" All of them, basically. Goes on for a little while; then "Would you mind getting in here with me to taste some cookies?" Tasting cookies? "Sure!" Are you a journalist, or have you worked in the market research area before? Why would they want to know that? "No". Well. I don't think blogging counts.

Inside, I get a cookie, and they ask me a few things about it. "Does it look good?" sure. "Does it smell good?" That too. "What about the color? too light, too dark?" Could have been a bit darker. "Is it too compact, or could it be a bit lighter?". This goes on for a while; about 20 questions were asked. Next, she goes away, and gets me a different one. Lo and behold, this one is a bit darker. And tasts better. And it's a bit less compact. I'd put a lot of money on the idea that they chose the second cookie based on the answers I gave about the first one.

I want cookie shops to behave like that.