
on Friday and Saturday, I went to do some data gathering job. I didn't realize such jobs could be that boring...

I got a list of shops to go to, and some lists of products, one for each shop. With those lists, I went to the mentioned shops, and had to write down what was available in the shop (in function of the available space -- i.e., if there's not much of the product available, but they didn't provide much space either, then that's "still a lot in the shop"). Working myself down that list took all friday.

On saturday, then, I went to do the exact same thing. In, for the most part, the exact same shops (there were a few differences, because I wasn't the only one doing this, and some people had only one day to work on this job).

And that's it. There's nothing more to it than this; this is what I have been doing friday and saturday. I'm happy it was only a two-day job; I wouldn't have wanted to do this one more day. To think that there are people who do this kind of work as their day job, every week again... oh, the horror.