The insurance company is playing tricks on me

As was previously agreed with the insurance company, I still had to go by an instrument shop to get a new flute. I hadn't done that as of yet, both because I hadn't found the time yet and because I didn't have quite that money either. Everything else was done, though, so the insurance company was just waiting for me.

In what was probably an attempt to force the issue, they then decided to contact an instrument shop and ask for the price of a flute. The price they came back with was €250.

Which is only about €500 below what I had guesstimated my flute to be worth, and only about €1000 below what the shop I went to the other day actually told me it was worth.

The shop's (signed) offer has been sent to the insurance company, with an asked price of exactly €1236. The flute that was stolen from me wasn't just any cheap silly flute; it was a Yamaha YFL 311. Unlike most step-in models, which are made of silver-coated nickel, the YFL 311's head is made of silver only. Apart from the fact that this dramatically increases the lifetime and sound quality of the flute, it obviously also has an impact on the price.

In slightly-related news, I've decided to go with the 'classical' silver/nickel bass flute for the ensemble. The other one is quite difficult to play, and I prefer the silver one's sound as well.

Wondering when they'll send me the money. I need a new flute, but a new laptop as well...