new laptop

Was thinking about buying one of these once I get the money from the insurance company, but there is a slight problem. Except for the 15" models, apple laptops don't have PCMCIA slots, so my ORiNOCO card can't work. Since I have a wavelan at home, I need wireless. Yes, need; I don't have a spare ethernet cable (or hub port, for that matter) anymore.

The apple laptops all have Airport Extreme; however, I was told previously that those can't work:

jul 22 23:48:34 <Overfiend>     Apple boxen are generally well supported by Linux, with 2 exceptions
jul 22 23:48:38 <Overfiend>     1) modems
jul 22 23:48:42 <Overfiend>     er, 3 exceptions
jul 22 23:48:46 <Overfiend>     2) NVidia video cards
jul 22 23:48:50 <Yoe>   don't care about modems
jul 22 23:48:51 <Overfiend>     3) Airport Extreme
jul 22 23:49:16 <Yoe>   don't care about 3D either; but what's the problem with the Airport stuff?
jul 22 23:49:27 <Overfiend>     old Airport is fine and rock-solid reliable AFAICT
jul 22 23:49:43 <Overfiend>     Airport Extreme is 802.11g, and they exclusively use a Broadcom chipset
jul 22 23:49:53 <Overfiend>     Broadcom is notoriously hostile to Linux developers
jul 22 23:50:10 <Yoe>   darn

The only alternative would be to use USB Wireless. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that won't work either; I've tried USB wireless in the past, with the current state of the linux-wlan-ng drivers (TTBOMK, the only ones that support USB prism2), using USB wireless is a perfect recipe for kernel lockups.

Better suggestions are more than welcome.