wanna-build, and nature's whims

Just made a flowchart of the wanna-build states, which nicely accompanies the document I wrote on that subject. If you have a look at the flowcharts, do read the document, or you may not really understand what's going on :) Yesterday, I updated my nbd packages once again; FreeBSD is a nice operating system too (hey, my colleage is a FreeBSD contributor, so I have to be nice to him :), especially if it can run Debian as well (thanks, debian-bsd). So, I've now been able to make sure nbd builds on non-Linux architectures as well -- nbd-client uses Linux-specific kernel interfaces, so it's essentially useless on non-Linux, but the server isn't. Since I'm looking back anyway: it's quite cold at home now. On tuesday, the electricity almost all over our house went out, so my father went down to the basement to get everything in order. Much to his surprise and utter dismay, he found out that there was a fire going on around the heater. Since he got there on time and could handle the fire with our car's fire extinguisher, there's no harm done, except for the fact that right now, we don't have any heating anymore at home. In the middle of winter. I think I'll stay at work a bit longer, today.