
I've been configuring computers lately.

Saturday, I went and got the components I ordered to install a computer for my brother. They still didn't have everything yet, but at least a working system could be created with it (that is, if he uses my monitor, mouse, and keyboard for the time being). It's a cool thingy: P4/3.2Ghz, 512MB RAM (of which only 256 has arrived yet), ATI Radeon 9200, etc. He needs it for school, to be able to use some software from AutoDesk ("Mechanical Desktop", to be precise), so I ordered a Windows XP CD with it. That hasn't arrived either.

So, to allow him to use the thing, I installed (or rather, let him install) a sarge on the box, using Gnome. His words: "That's a really cool Linux, Wouter".

Finally. It took me only a few years to convince him ;-)

Apart from that box, I got myself a Sun Ultra10 as well. Since my server, an old Pentium1 at 100Mhz, requires replacement, I thought about installing the Ultra10 as the new server, and did a Debian installation. Right now, though, I'm considering to do stuff differently: install the Ultra10 as my desktop, and use my old desktop (PIII/650) as the new server.

Let's think about that for a while.