
Yesterday was a nice day.

Went to the JPE rehearsal. Had lunch. Did some cool stuff with western: got a full horde suite configured, updating bug 216707 in the process (note to self: if you're working on a host's mail configuration, don't attempt to run reportbug there, or you get mail addresses with superfluous host parts in bug reports). Started configuring a split-horizon mail setup; samba will now consider all to be remote, except for mailman mail, which it will handle locally. It will still do callouts to the primary MX at RCPT time, though (the problem being that the primary MX is accessible only through IPv6, so for IPv4-only hosts, samba will have to do this when it will be my primary v4 MX, which it isn't yet). Still have to configure the same thing the other way around, but I had to go when this worked. Went to the AfrekeningFuif organized by Chiro Tempo, Ekeren, which they do yearly and which is the largest of its kind in Belgium (featuring 4100 visitors last year – I don't yet know how much this time). Went drunk. Note to self: when you get drunk, drink enough water (so that the hangover isn't as bad), and don't forget to turn off the alarm clock. It helps. Kinda.

Oh well. Currently hacking up something to do centralized administration of buildd timeouts for m68k. Would be nice, it's kinda decentralized right now, and with 10 (or so) buildds running, that isn't really a good thing.