I wish people would use pbuilder a bit more

From: buildd@kiivi.cyber.ee
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

Automatic build of evolution-data-server_1.0.2-2 on kiivi by sbuild/m68k 1.170.5
Build started at 20041019-0635
dh_install -pevolution-data-server
dh_link -pevolution-data-server
dh_scrollkeeper -pevolution-data-server
dh_gconf -pevolution-data-server
dh_desktop -pevolution-data-server
make: dh_desktop: Command not found
make: *** [binary-install/evolution-data-server] Error 127
Build finished at 20041019-1546
FAILED [dpkg-buildpackage died]
Finished at 20041019-1602
Build needed 08:40:35, 226836k disk space

You know, that's a long time. We have pbuilder to avoid this kind of stupidity. Please.