All of the above

Steve Kemp has an interesting poll, regarding the distributions people use. I need an "all of the above" option to correctly fill that one out.

pop, my parent's machine, runs woody. folk, the server, runs woody+backports (bind9 and exim4). western and samba, the hosts that will replace folk in the near future (western on my LAN, samba at work, in a sort-of-colo way) run testing (mainly because I'd hate having set them up, only to have to upgrade the configuration in a few months). So does my brother's new box, techno. My own working machines, rock (the i386) and country (the PowerBook) run unstable. So did sol, the sparc64 which I temporarily used at work until the new laptop arrived (hm, on second thought, could've been testing too. Not sure). And then, there's of course a number of chroots on rock; a stable one, a testing one, and even a RedHat one.

Steve, could you at least change the radio buttons to check boxes? ;-)