
I've switched to using Firefox instead of Mozilla for a while now, because the latter is just way too slow at startup. However, there's a few annoyances:

  • Firefox doesn't know the Site Navigation toolbar I've become used to in Mozilla. I miss it! I want my Site Navigation Toolbar!
    For those that don't know what I'm talking about, the Site Navigation Toolbar is the thing that (by default) pops up with buttons like "Next", "Previous", etc, and that is populated by information in the <link> tags in the HTML page.
  • Every once in a while, Firefox enables the "search while you type" functionality when I'm typing in an <input> box. Now, I don't mind having the search while you type thingy – in fact, I wouldn't want to live without it – but having to click my mouse every time I enter a letter is... interesting. I'd file a bug, if only I knew what triggers it...