Hardcoded keyboard shortcuts considered harmful

Evolution is a nice piece of software, but it has a few problems that make me still use mutt quite often. I won't go into details on all of them, but here's one to consider: the fact that evolution uses ctrl+] as a keyboard shortcut to go to the next unread message, and that (TTBOMK) that is not configurable.

Now, you might think, "what's wrong with that? It's still available as a shortcut, it's easy to remember, and it isn't hard to type, is it?" Well, not if you use a US qwerty keyboard, where [ and ] are positioned right above the enter key and don't require any shift keys. On my PowerBook G4 with Apple azerty keyboard, however, there is no immediate [ character. There is an immediate ( character, however, and that one is overloaded to get to { and [, as follows: for {, I use Meta_R+(; for [, I use Meta_R+Shift+(. This means that for ctrl+[, I need to hit four friggin' keys at a time. Feels like a space cadet keyboard. It's still possible to use that shortcut, of course, but it isn't really interesting that I have to use so many keys for something you want to do every time you read your mail.

mutt has tab to go to the next unread message. There, that was easy.

So please, pretty please, with sugar on top: make your keyboard shortcuts configurable.