
handling buildd logs for a buildd without wanna-build access is frustrating; everything that usually works (semi-)automatically now has to be done manually. About two months ago, I'd have set up the buildd, created an SSH key, logged in to auric, dropped the key in my ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (along with some access restrictions) and the machine would be up and running. Right now, I have to send the key to people that are already loaded with many Debian-related and other work, and wait 'till they get around to actually adding the key in the right place. In the mean time, either the box is doing completely nothing, either I have to manually feed packages to buildd (and will have to put the result in the wanna-build database in a much more tedious way than usual). I understand why this change has been made and can't really say I don't support the decision; but it could have been prepared and thought through a lot better, rather than that some people implemented it overnight would sort out the issues later on. As it is, I'm getting more and more frustrated because the things I have to do are getting needlessly complicated.