
Pfff... I've been doing some volunteer work at the choir where I sing; there was a fund-raising thing, and they needed some people to help man the bar. Did that, worked there for four hours, and I'm, uh, physically exhausted now. And it was finished three hours and a half ago... Besides that, I'm running a checkout of the Linux/m68k CVS (it seems to be finished now), so that I can test my new cross-compiler -- and Linux 2.6 on my mac, of course. While I'm at it, I got interested in finding out about the old days of Linux (I started using Linux around 2.0.36, IIRC), so I downloaded linux-1.0.tar.bz2 from a mirror, only to be disappointed; it doesn't even compile anymore. Oh well, I guess that's not really unexpected. After all, Linux 1.0 is old. Almost 10 years now... Right. Let's see where 2.6.0/m68k brings me.