Matrices of autobuilders

Saw "The Matrix Revolutions" yesterday night. Have to say that I don't really like it; as an end, it's miserable. For example, when mr. Smith and Neo were fighting near the end of the movie, a scene which takes a considerable amount of time, there were a few instances where I was thinking something along the lines of "OK, they're fighting, now get on with it!". Also, the explanation of why Neo was able to stop those four sentinals in "The Matrix Reloaded" was silly. I must say that I expected a lot more of it, I'm quite disappointed.

Oh well

Ryan Murray announced on the m68k-build mailinglist that he had moved the m68k wanna-build database to newraff, a change which was pending anyway. I had assumed that James did not yet activate the two new buildd machines of which I had sent him the required information because he was busy moving all that stuff to newraff, so that he didn't want to waste his time doing this twice. Which would've been understandable.

Turns out that isn't the case; they moved the w-b database on Saturday, but the access still isn't enabled.

I'm getting tired of this... as any clueful person can see by plainly looking at the graph, m68k is lagging a bit. Less now because I'm manually feeding packages to those two buildd's, but it's very tedious and time-wasting to do so.