Planet Grep: Survey

Planet Grep has been running for quite a while now. What started out as 'me playing with some random software' is now a rather popular website, read daily by many, many people, generating somewhere between 5 and 7 gigabytes of data each month. For a website that consists of a single page of (on average) less than half a meg, that's quite some traffic.

Originally, I just threw a bunch of blogs written by people whom I knew as being part of the Belgian FLOSS community in the config, and we kindof grew from there. That worked, but as Planet Grep grew, there have been a few times when I felt bad about some of the choices I'd made in the past.

Since I feel that a website whose content is written by a large community should not be in the hands of just one man (me), I already added Kris to the subversion ACL, so that he'd be able to add or remove people too.

But there's more that can be done, so today I wrote a little survey about Planet Grep. Its aim is to help me understand what people would like to see in Planet Grep, and perhaps tune the subscriber list based on that a bit. The results will be used to update the about pages.

As such, I'd appreciate it if people would fill out this survey. It's not going to take more than a few minutes (there's, like, only two pages).
