Battlestar Galactica on VT4!

I just saw an ad on VT4 that they're going to be broadcasting the excellent Battlestar Galactica series—that is, the reimagined version. Caught me by surprise there, because I was actually expecting Kanaal2 to broadcast this—they're usually the SciFi channel in .be.

Not that this matters, of course. Luckily, they're also going to broadcast this at an excellent time slot: Sunday at 23:25 (or something), meaning, not prime time; as a result, I might actually be able to follow it this time around. Living together with people who like to watch prime time pulp would make watching this rather impossible during reasonable hours, otherwise. Not this time.

As it happens, I bought the original 1978 version of Battlestar Galactica only a few weeks ago. That one's a bit dated though, and not half as much fun.