Console-setup sucks

I have a few reasons for this:

  1. It wants to change the framebuffer font without asking. I seriously dislike the font it sets up.
  2. I have a habit of writing my own Xkb keymap. With xorg <= 7.3, that meant creating a file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/wouter and having something like Option "XkbLayout" "wouter" in xorg.conf. Console-setup doesn't pick that up, though, and loads a default keymap that somehow looks closely similar to what I'm using.
  3. What's worse, the default keymap it picks up on my Apple Powerbook (which isn't my primary laptop anymore, but considering how my actual primary laptop is in for repairs, is what I need to use for now) is a PC Belgian AZERTY keymap, rather than the Apple AZERTY. This is *wrong*.

I might understand why they did this kind of thing, but the current implementation of autodetection is horribly broken.