HP, you idiot.

The three ML110 systems that I ordered for a customer just arrived. The customer wanted RAID1, so I ordered three extra hard disks. The hardware bits that hold disks in its place are based on some ingenious slide-and-click system that does not require me to do some acrobatic funny things with a screwdriver just to be able to put a hard disk in the machine.

This is good.

The slide-and-click system requires me to put screws in the drive that have heads of a certain specific size (it uses that as the thing to lock against). Obviously all the industry-standard screws that I have are way too large to fit. The machine does not come with extra screws, nor does the disk.

This is not so good.

Update: 1s/HP/Wouter/. The servers do contain those extra screws, I'm just blind. Whoops.