GFDL 1.3

Yeah, yeah, I may be living under a rock these days. Anyway, I just noticed that the GFDL v1.3 is out; it has been for four months or so.

There aren't many changes; apart from some minor wording changes that have little to no effect on the meaning of the license, there are two new sections: the first adds details on what happens when you violate the license (basically, it gets temporarily terminated, which can become permanent if you do not fix it in a reasonable timeframe or under some other circumstances); the second allows one to change the license from GFDL to CC-BY-SA under certain circumstances (where "certain circumstances" in practice basically means "you're wikipedia", although it isn't written as such).

And that's it. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing to follow up on the FDLv2 discussion drafts that were released about two-and-a-half years ago.

Me, I find that disappointing. When the initial discussion drafts were put out on the web, I was thrilled; I spent some time reading them and providing comments. However, nothing happened on those drafts beyond initially getting them out there. It would appear that today, the FSF has even managed to lose the comments that were made.

I guess they don't really care about the FDL as much as they do about the GPL.