Bluetooth spam

I have a laptop that supports bluetooth. By using gnome-bluetooth (which unfortunately isn't packaged yet—and no, I don't have the time to start doing more packages), I can accept data transfers over Bluetooth to my laptop, which sometimes is handy.

Some people seem to think it's funny to start sending me unsolicited files while I'm on the train, hacking away on my laptop. I swear, they're spamming me. Of course, it's not something that can't be solved by running killall gnome-obex-server, but it's annoying.

I'm thinking of writing my own obex server (or modifying g-o-s) so that the box that appears when it asks whether I want to accept some file has the option to "spam back", i.e., send the same file to the sending device over and over again. But then, that wouldn't be ethical, would it?