Comment spams

The nice thing about an NIH comment post thing is that you can change it if people start to abuse it.

I was starting to get more and more comment spams. Some spammer obviously must have taken a look at my comment submission form, and written some code to post his junk there. Even though they made a little mistake that would make it very easy to identify their posts (URL-encoded the data in some field where it was not necessary, and indeed would mean that the post would not be visible had I approved it), I didn't feel like adding much code to special-case one particular spammer.

So instead, I changed my comment form to rename a particular field, and would return a 403-style rather empty page with a remark of Sod off, spammer if the field is filled in. When I start to receive spam again, changing the code to do the same thing once more is pretty easy.

It's been a few weeks now. And I didn't have to change anything about my comment submission policy, like some other people had to do.

Isn't that nice? :-)